Change Management

Vital for the survival and relevance of any organisation

Without change, businesses would lose their competitive edge and fail to meet the ever-changing needs of stakeholders and customers. Deciding the specifics about what change to pursue is a task all leaders must undertake regularly, and this can have substantial effect on business performance. Most organisations have regular strategic and operational planning embedded into the way they work or they are forced to change due to some internal or external factors.
Change can affect all aspects of the business, as explained by the McKinsey 7-S Framework which highlights how the various elements of an organisation work together and need to be aligned to maximise performance. Our HR consultants start with the strategic outcomes of any business and design plans and programs to maximise improvements across organisational structures, business systems, technology and people and culture to ensure every possible opportunity is identified for the successful attainment of strategic outcomes. Such processes are defined as organisational reform and transformation, which require practical change management strategies and plans to drive engagement and empower people to act and support the new changes. The HR Landscape supports organisations in the design and implementation of such initiatives.

Finding out what is going on and what needs to change?

We partner with leaders (Chairman, CEO’s and Team Leaders) to identify the root cause of any blockages to achieving organisational, board or team goals at a strategic and operational level - to really find out what is going on to be able to plan and manage change.


We work with senior leaders to build trust and confidence by providing an independent, confidential and non judgemental opinion based on evidence and best practice.

Current State Analysis

We listen to fully understand the vision, key goals, priorities, issues and gaps. The vision should provide direction, which ties everything together, and links individual teams, projects and initiatives into the bigger picture. A way forward is identified and negotiated through confidential feedback and a collaborative problem-solving approach.

Desired state – CEO/senior management consultation, background research, interviews and workshops to identify the gap between where the organisation is currently, and where it wants to be.

Current state - analysis determines where the organisation is today – so it can plan effectively to move from the current reality to the desired future. Barriers and enablers are identified through interviews, surveys, root cause analysis assessment and focus groups with staff and clients and results are assessed against a standard model such as the McKinsey 7S Framework – Strategy, Structure, Systems, Style, Shared values, Skills and Staff


Our change management approach will allow you and your senior team to have clarity and a joint understanding around the critical question of “Where you want the organisation to go?” and the “real” current state of the organisation to move forward.

We facilitate real discussions and use tools and techniques to bring objectivity, no blame, and an understanding of the team dynamics to enable all views to be heard and an agreed outcome achievedd.

Strategy-Vision and plan

A clear strategic plan and goals is essential for achieving superior organisational and team performance. Highcareergroup structured Strategic Planning Framework guides clients through the strategic decision-making process to establish a clear strategy with defined actions and goals aligned with the corporate vision. We then help you develop a clear and simple plan that all staff can understand using the Balanced Business Scorecard and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).

A one-page Strategic plan is one of our key tools.


Our change management approach will allow you and your senior team to have clarity and a joint understanding around the critical question of “Where you want the organisation to go?” and the “real” current state of the organisation to move forward.

Strategy and planning

Ensuring that all staff are aligned and working effectively toward the key strategic and operational priorities of every business, large or small, is fundamental to maximising employee performance.

Highcareergroup will help ensure your staff are engaged in the process and understand what they do is important to the business. Often when there Is workplace change, employees and executives may not transition with these changes effectively. If your organisation is seeking to implement change, then Highcareergroup will work to ensure the changes are planned, communicated and supported to embed a new way of working within your organisation.


Our strategic change management approach will ensure, you and your organisation have a clear vision, strategic and operational plans and a change strategy to achieved superior organisational and team performance.

Operational planning

We take clients through a clear and structured Operational Planning process to convert the Strategic Plan into operational activities, objectives and performance metrics for the next twelve (12) months. We facilitate workshops and cross-departmental dialogue to clearly define objectives, success factors, measurable targets and desired outcomes that cascade through the organisation (interactive workshops are used to engage staff in the process) to ensure a consistent focus on the key business priorities.

We develop Balanced Scorecards at organisational, departmental and individual levels to implement the Operational Plan to ensure clients can easily monitor and measure progress towards strategic goals.


The vision and goals are cascaded throughout the organisation to build strong alignment with the organisation’s priorities so that all levels within the organisation are focused on what is important and understands “how their work contributes”.

Staff engagement and ownership in the process is a key focus.

Action plan

Action planning ties everything together. An action plan is developed for each line of business, existing and proposed and at all levels. It is here that the goals and objectives for the organisation are developed. A small number of annual targets to move toward the vision are selected. We can assist with execution of the plans, reporting and taking evidence-based action when required.


The Action Plan provides a consist series of steps that must be taken to successfully complete all components to achieved the goals. It leaves nothing to chance and it determines which resources are required to achieved the (SMART) goals and how and when these must be achievedd and who has accountability. It is the final critical factor to ensure the plans success and it must be regularly reviewed and up-dated.

Strategic Human Resource Plans

Human Resource Strategy plays a vital role in the achievedment of an organisation's overall strategic objective and visibly illustrates that the human resources function fully understands and supports the direction in which the organisation is moving.

Human Resources (HR) strategies, should be informed by workforce planning to ensure they are correctly prioritised and respond to current and future workforce issues.

The business' goals sit at the heart of any HR strategy and in order to align business and HR you need to answer one key question, "Can your organisation's internal capability deliver the organisation’s business goals?"


When HR policies and practices are integrated and align to the strategic workforce goals of the organisation it reinforces employee behaviours that can best realise the leaders' strategic intent. In the most successful companies, the set of policies and practices that collectively make up a company's HRM system is the critical management tool for communicating and reinforcing the leaders' strategic intent.

Change management Implementation

Business transformation is a reality for every organisation that wants to survive, evolve, and remain relevant to its customers and stakeholders. We understand this reality – and also the inherent pitfalls in the process if transformation isn’t planned and managed well. We support your business to plan, manage and embed change, to engage staff and achieved a cultural shift.

Highcareergroup is certified in Prosci’s Change Management Methodology.


The plan will provide clarity in relation to the following

  • The objectives to be achievedd;
  • The proposed new direction, core business, structure, staffing arrangements;
  • The resources to be used, and timelines;
  • The relevant human resource principles and policies to be applied, particularly in relation to staffing issues; and
  • The means by which performance in the changed environment will be assessed to determine when the desired change has been achievedd (KPI’s and measures).
our benefits

Few Reasons Why You Should Choose Us

We seamlessly merge two key components – Our professional HR consulting skills and experience with our strong practical business acumen to partner organisations to achieve meaningful solutions.

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